Our work is important to us. We consider ourselves being really customer oriented and always trying to give our maximum to get the best deals for all parties - and it is very rewarding to get noticed and recognized for our daily work.

Krediidiinfo AS cooperates with Creditinfo international group to acknowledge Estonian companies awarded with "Excellent" (AAA), "Very Good" (AA) or "Good" (A) business ratings issued by Krediidiinfo.
Nores Plastic Ltd. had a rating of "Good" (A) in year 2024 with a recommended credit limit of € 120.000.
Click below to view our credit reports!
High Business Rating demonstrates good economic position and financial results of the company, as well as its proper payment discipline. Krediidiinfo rating is based on international models that find extensive recognition outside Estonia.

Nores Plastic Ltd. has been chosen to be included in the Competitiveness Ranking of Estonian Enterprises compiled on the initiative of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Wholesale Enterprises Ranking
2015. - 18th place
2014. - 40th place
2013. - 22th place
2012. - 15th place
2011. - 14th place
2010. - 5th place
Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises Ranking
2015. - 44th place
2014. - 226th place
2013. - 62th place
2012. - 19th place
2011. - 7th place
2010. - 7th place

Gaselli TOP
In 2005 we received 6th place on the Gaselli TOP Award established by Äripäev, an Estonian daily business newspaper, for enterprises which achieve the fastest growth in the country.